how to model a hole in a plate

How to Model a Hole in a Plate

While RISA-3D (or RISA-2D) does not have an explicit tool to punch a hole in a plate, you can use the following steps to manually model them:

1. Draw the extent of the plate with the Automesh of Plates tool.

Plate hole 1

2. Delete out the plates and the extra nodes in the area of the hole.

Plate hole 2

3. Use the Circular Disc Generator to generate a circle of nodes representing the inside edge of your hole. NOTE: leave the "Plates" box unchecked. Also, count the number of plates along the edge of your square hole and enter this value as the "Increments per Quadrant".

Plate hole 3b Plate hole 3

4. Delete out the center nodes; leave the outer-most ring or two in order to draw in the remaining plates.

Plate hole 4

5. Individually draw in the plates in the transition area.

Plate hole 5

6. Continue drawing until the transition is complete!

Plate hole 6