Criteria: Preferred Reinforcement Size and Material - tab

The Preferred Reinforcement Size and Material tab allows you to define preferred reinforcement sizes, reinforcement material assignments and select a default rebar library. Rebar libraries can be modified and imported/exported. Define top and bottom flexural bar sizes for one-way, two-way and beam criteria and shear stirrup size for beams.

Note: The Preferred Reinforcement Size and Material inputs are unique, based on the criteria selected (Two-way, One-way, Beam) in the upper right pane of the Criteria window. In addition, the Unit system selected at program launch determines the default primary rebar library used.
Preferred Reinforcement Size and Material criteria is not available in ADAPT-SOG.

Note that the settings change, depending on which primary rebar library input option is selected. In the image above, we show the settings for USA; below the settings for MKS and SI.

MKS Unit system

SI Unit system


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