Export Options

The Export option can be used to create a data exchange file created by ADAPT-Builder known as an INP file. The INP file can be used to update or create an ADAPT-Builder .adm file, create a new Revit file using the ADAPT-Revit Link, export loading and reaction data to S-foundation, and create a new Visicon model for BIM coordination. In addition you have the option to export the current view of the model to a DWG/DXF file.

To create an INP file or DWG/DXF file using the export options:

  1. Click the File ribbon and choose Export.

    An export panel opens.

  2. Click the type of file you want to export to.

    File Type Description
    INP Latest Version Used to update or create an ADAPT-Builder .adm from INP file.
    INP Builder 2019.0

    Used to update or create an ADAPT-Builder .adm from INP file.

    DWG/DXF File

    Used to export drawing data from ADAPT-Builder to a DWG/DFX file.

    Revit 2019 or Newer Used to create a new Revit .rvt file from the ADAPT-Revit Link 2019 or later versions.
    Revit 2018 or Older Used to create a new Revit .rvt file from legacy ADAPT-Revit Link versions prior to ADAPT-Revit Link 2019.


    Used to export loading and reaction data to S-Foundation.

    Visicon BIM Tool

    Used to create a new Visicon model for BIM coordination.

  3. Follow the step(s) that coincide with your export choice: