Troubleshoot RISAConnection Integration

If you have difficulty getting your RISA-3D or RISAFloor model to integrate into RISAConnection, it is possible that you have defined connection or member information incorrectly, or there may be a program limitation which prevents the integration. Please see the following for assumptions, modeling rules, and possible error messages.

Moment Connection Considerations

The following moment connections are currently supported in RISAConnection:

Continuous Beam over Column Connections

In order to properly export a continuous beam over column connection to RISAConnection you must obey the following rules:

Shear Connection Considerations

The following shear connections are currently supported in RISAConnection:

Vertical Brace Connections

The following vertical brace connections are currently supported in RISAConnection:

Diagonal Brace Connections

In order to properly export a diagonal brace connection to RISAConnection you must obey the following rules:

Chevron Brace connections

In order to properly export a Chevron Brace connection to RISAConnection you must obey the rules below:

Knee Brace Connections

In order to properly export a Knee (or Kicker) brace connection to RISAConnection you must obey the following rules:

Splice Connections

RISAConnection can design wide flange (including tapered wide flange) splice connections for beam and column splices. These can be either shear or moment splices. Keep in mind these items when creating your model:

Base Plate Connections

RISAConnection can design single column base plate connections for shear and/or moment forces. Keep in mind these items when creating your model:

Brace to Base Plate Connections

RISAConnection can design vertical brace into a column base plate connections for shear and/or moment forces. Keep in mind these items when creating your model:

Truss HSS T-Connections

RISAConnection can design HSS T-Connections that have been exported from your RISA-3D model. Keep in mind these items when assigning the connection rule in RISA-3D: