General Application Settings

The general Application Settings are straightforward. For help on an item click for more information. You can set the backup timing within the general section. See Automatic Backup to learn about the backup capabilities of RISA-3D. The Reset all Program Defaults button in the Advanced General Application Settings will clear all of the Application Settings that you have set on any of the tabs.

Application Settings window, General tab

Click on image to enlarge it

The following table provides descriptions for the settings.

General Application Settings

Setting Description

Show "Starting a Model" Panel when starting a new model

The New Model Dialog will be displayed when opening the program or selecting 'New File' from the File Menu.

Open Project Information window when loading model

Displays the Project Information settings automatically after loading a file.

Warn before Filtering Input

With this option checked, the program will always warn you before you filter input.

Show Detailing Info for members (CIS/2 Translator only)

Choose to display the Detailing information in the spreadsheets and Properties panel. This information is only applicable for the CIS/2 translator.

Omit unused items from Color Coded Legend for input information

This option will clean up the Color Coded Legend to only display items used in the model.

Show Basic Load Case Factor

This option will allow you to factor your Basic Load Cases. A new column will display in the Basic Load Cases spreadsheet called Basic Load Case Factor. The loads in a particular Basic Load Case will be factored by the value entered into this column.

Hover to show detailed information on elements

Click the Hover Details button to customize the information shown when hovering over an element.

Show Delete Based on Criteria Summary

This provides an option to display a summary of all items that were deleted after deleting base on a specific criteria.

Click Workspace to Clear Selected Items

This option allows you to click the white space in the 3D View to clear your current selection.

Enable Smart Ribbon Toolbar behavior

The Smart Ribbon Toolbar behavior will predict which tab of the Ribbon Toolbar to open based on the actions performed in the program.

Enable Auto Input/Output Filtering in Viewer Mode

This option will automatically filter both input and output spreadsheets based on visible items in Viewer Mode.

Show Rotation Increment in 3D View

This option will show the degree increment field in the Incremental Rotate bin.

Enable ability to move nodes with cursor

This provides an option to move nodes with cursor by clicking them

Background Color

Choose which color to make the background color in the user interface.

Window Behavior

Choose your window behavior option. For more information, see Window Behavior.

Automatic Backup Timing

Automatic backup of the currently open model occurs at the specified interval. Each backup overwrites the previous one, such that only one backup of a given model exists at any time.

Max. no. of models to backup

This controls how many models are kept in the backup folder. Once the folder becomes "full" according to this setting, the oldest backups will be deleted automatically. Setting this to zero turns off automatic backups.