
Access the graphical Model View Settings for loads by clicking the Model icon in the View Settings section of the View ribbon and selecting the Loads tab shown below.

Click on image to enlarge it

The Loads tab lets you specify that loads are to be displayed graphically, or that they are not to be shown at all.

Click the Loads slider to not display the loads in the model at all.

Check Magnitudesto display the numerical magnitude of the loads. You can specify that the loads be drawn as Basic Load Cases, Load Categories or Load Combinations by selecting the corresponding radio button. The load types to be displayed can be selected by checking the corresponding boxes.

Note: The Transient (Wall) check box will show how loading is attributed to wall panel nodes. For a distributed load applied to the top of the wall this check box will show you how the line load is attributed as point loads to each plate corner at the top of the wall. For out of plane loading on walls with openings, this check box will show how the load in the area of the opening is attributed as point loads to the edges of the opening in a two-way distribution.

Once you set the Model View Settings for loads, you can then run through all of the load cases, load categories or load combinations by choosing them from the drop down list at the top of the 3D View.

Note: You can make any model view settings the default start-up settings. See Set as Default - checkbox for more information on this feature.