Wall Panels

Access the graphical Model View Settings for wall panels by clicking the Model icon in the View Settings section of the View ribbon and selecting the Wall Panels tab shown below.

The Wall Panels tab lets you specify that panels are to be drawn as wireframe, color coded, or rendered elements, or that they are not to be shown at all.

Click the Wall Panels slider to not display the wall panels in the model at all.

When the Wireframe option is selected, you can include information on the panels when plotted. The Labeling drop down list provides the choices you have as to what information will be displayed on each wall panel, such as the wall panel label, material, or the wall panel number. You also have the option to see the mesh that the program automatically creates internally for all Wall Panels.

When the Analysis Mesh option is checked on, wall panels are plotted showing the internal plate mesh automatically generated during a solution. This is useful for verifying and understanding how the forces/stresses are distributed within a panel.

When the Color Coded option is selected, wall panels are plotted with different colors that are mapped in a key shown in the upper right corner of the model view. You can color the panels by material set or specify a uniform color for all panels. The color coded panels themselves may be presented with varying Transparency with 100% transparency meaning completely see-through and 0% indicating completely solid. 

When the Rendered option is selected, true to scale representations of the panels are drawn with thickness. The Texture checkbox shows the wall panels with different texture depending on the wall panel material. You can also display the rendered panels at a percentage of their size. This is useful in understanding orientation and connectivity.

Note: You can make any model view settings the default start-up settings. See Set as Default - checkbox for more information on this feature.