AISC Design Parameters

Cm - Interactive Bending Coefficient

Cm Coefficients are described in Chapter H of the 9th Edition AISC (ASD) code. If these entries are left blank, they will be automatically calculated.

The Cm value is influenced by the sway condition of the member and is dependent on the member's end moments, which will change from one load combination to the next, so it may be a good idea to leave these entries blank.

Note: The Cm factor is not used for LRFD code checking because the Chapter C requirement that P-Delta effects be considered is met with a direct P-Delta analysis. LRFD code checks will not be performed without P-Delta analysis.

Cb - Bending Coefficients

Cb Factors are described in Chapter F of the AISC code and are used in the calculation of the nominal flexural strength, Mn. If this entry is left blank, it will be calculated automatically for AISC code checks.

The calculation of Cb is based on the unbraced length of the compression flange and the moment diagram for the unbraced segment in question. If a specific unbraced length is entered by the user, the program cannot interpret the location of brace points and the Cb value will default to '1.0'. In some cases, it may be better to enter 'segment' as the unbraced length for a physical member. When 'segment' is entered, the Cb value will be calculated individually for each segment of the beam based on that segment's moment diagram.


Function for Stiffness Reduction

The Function entry may be set to either 'Lateral' or 'Gravity' using the drop down list in the spreadsheet. If the Adjust Stiffness option is set to Yes on the Codes tab of the Model Settings Dialog, then all members with a 'Lateral' Function will be considered for the stiffness reduction required per the AISC Direct Analysis Method.

The Flexural Stiffness Reduction of the Direct Analysis Method will be applied to all 'Lateral' members. This process involves evaluating certain conditions:

If all the exclusion criteria are met, the original area and moment of inertia values will be retained without applying the stiffness adjustment multiplication factors. This ensures that certain types of HR members, when using the AISC code, maintain their original stiffness characteristics.

The program can perform an iterative analysis during the solution depending on the value of τb. In this case, the stiffness matrix is recomputed for each iteration until the value of τb converges within 1 percent for all 'Lateral' members in compression. In the unlikely event that τb is less than zero, the value of τb is considered to be 1.e-5. When used in the analysis, the value for τbwill be listed in the Detail Report for that member.

When the users sets the Adjust Stiffness flag on the Model Settings to Yes (Tau =1.0), then the program will use a Tau of 1.0 in the stiffness analysis and no iteration of the stiffness matrix is necessary. This option is a good feature for models which take a long time to solve or which have not yet been proportioned to control drift.

The Axial Stiffness Reduction of the Direct Analysis Method behaves differently. For the AISC 360-05, 360-10, and 360-16, the reduction will be applied to all 'Lateral' members.


Channel Conn.

The type of connection for double channels is reported in the Channel Conn. column. This input is only for back to back channels and is used in the calculation of KL/r.

a - Connector Spacing

For double channels, the connector spacing ‘a’ is used in the calculation of KL/r. This input is only used for back to back channels.

Allowable Stress Increase Factor (ASIF)

AISC 9th Edition

Increasing of allowable stresses may be allowed when forces are transient. You can enter an ASIF factor on the Load Combinations Spreadsheet to allow the increase for a specific load combination. The ASIF factor is then applied to the allowable stresses in accordance with section A5. The ASIF factor also is applied to the Euler values (F'e).

Note: If the allowable stress increase is being used, the final code check value should still be compared to '1.0'.

All Other US Codes

Setting the ASIF factor to a value greater than '1.0' will not cause the capacities to be increased by that factor. However, setting the ASIF factor to a value greater than '1.0' is used as a flag to use of the seismic compactness criteria of Table I-8-1 of AISC 341-05 Seismic Provisions of Steel Buildings. Specifically we will use the limiting width-thickness ratios from this table for capacity calculations (for compression flange local buckling for example). In these cases, we use Table I-8-1 of AISC 341-05 as opposed to Table B4.1 of AISC 360-05.

AISC Limitations

AISC 360-16 (15th Ed.)

Wide Flanges:

Rectangular Tubes - Lateral torsional buckling is checked per section F7.4, however this section only applies to strong axis bending.

Code Checks - For combined bending and tension (Section H1.2) the code-allowed modification of Cb is not applied. For combined bending and compression, Section H1.3 is not considered, meaning that the program can be over conservative in some situations.

Single Angles - Single angles in compression are not checked for Section E4 because no standard single angle shapes have a slenderness (b/t) > 20. They are also not checked for Section E5 as there is insufficient information regarding the connections and usage of the member.

WT and LL Shapes - This code does not address the rare case where Lateral Torsional (or Flexural Torsional) Buckling occurs for WT's and double angles bent about their weak axis. Therefore, only yielding is checked for weak axis bending.

Double Channels -Double channel connector spacing requirements are not checked. Additionally, double channel design is only available in AISC 360-16 and AISC 360-10 codes.

AISC 360-05 (13th Ed.) and AISC 360-10 ( 14th Ed.)

Wide Flanges:

Code Checks - For combined bending and tension (Section H1.2) the code-allowed modification of Cb is not applied. For combined bending and compression, Section H1.3 is not considered, meaning that the program can be over conservative in some situations.

Single Angles - Single angles in compression are not checked for Section E4 because no standard single angle shapes have a slenderness (b/t) > 20. They are also not checked for Section E5 as there is insufficient information regarding the connections and usage of the member.

WT and LL Shapes:

ASD 9th Edition Limitations

Wide Flange Shapes - Code checks for shapes that qualify as plate girders, as defined by Chapter G, are not performed. Plate girders that can be checked by the provisions of Chapter F will have code checks calculated.

Channels - The AISC 9th Edition (ASD) specification does not specifically address the allowable stress for weak axis bending of channels. Therefore, the program uses the most similar formula for the weak axis bending of wide flanges (0.75*Fy). For a complete and thorough treatment of channel code checks, refer to the LRFD specification. 

WT and LL Shapes - ASD allowable bending stresses calculated for WT and LL shapes use Chapter F for cases when the stem is in compression. This is not technically correct, but the ASD code does not provide direction regarding other means of calculating the allowable bending stress in this situation. In the interim, the LRFD code directly addresses this situation, so it is recommended that you use the LRFD code to check WT and LL shapes that have their stems in compression.

Neither the ASD or LRFD codes address the rare case where Lateral Torsional (or Flexural Torsional) Buckling occurs for WT's and double angles bent about their weak axis.

RE Shapes - Rectangular bar members (on-line shapes) are assigned allowable bending stresses for the yielding limit state only. Lateral torsional buckling is not considered because the ASD code doesn't directly address this for rectangular shapes. The strong axis bending stress is assigned as 0.66*Fy and the weak axis bending stress is assigned as 0.75*Fy. If you have a case where lateral torsional buckling may govern, you should use the LRFD code, since the LRFD code does address this limit state.

LRFD 2nd and 3rd Edition Limitations

Wide Flange Shapes - LRFD code checks for shapes that qualify as plate girders as defined by Chapter G are not performed.

Single Angles - Single angles are only checked for Euler buckling. They are not checked for Flexural-Torsional buckling. 

WT and LL Shapes - Neither the ASD or LRFD codes address the rare case where Lateral Torsional (or Flexural Torsional) Buckling occurs for WT's and double angles bent about their weak axis.

Tapered Wide Flanges - ASD 9th edition code checks can be performed on tapered members with equal or unequal top/bottom flanges, with the restriction that the compression flange area must be equal to or larger than the tension flange area. LRFD 2nd edition code checks are limited to tapered members with equal area flanges. Code checks are performed using Appendix F, Chapter F, and Chapter D as applicable. Note that the rate of taper is limited by Appendix F, and the program enforces this. The interaction equations in Appendix F are used to compute the final code check value. These equations also include the effects of weak axis bending, if present. Torsional warping effects on Tapered WF members are NOT considered.

Prismatic Wide Flanges with Unequal Flanges - ASD code checks for prismatic WF members with unequal flanges are also limited to shapes that have the compression flange area equal to or larger than the tension flange area. LRFD code checks currently cannot be performed for prismatic WF members with unequal flanges.

Pipes and Bars - For pipes and round bars, the code check is calculated based on an SRSS summation of the y and z-axis stresses calculated for the pipe or bar. This is done because these circular shapes bend in a strictly uniaxial fashion and calculating the code check based on a biaxial procedure (as is done for all the other shapes) is overly conservative.

Single Angles - Code checking (LRFD or ASD) on single angle shapes is based on P/A (axial load/axial strength or axial stress/allowable axial stress) only. This is because the load eccentricity information needed for a meaningful bending calculation is not available. Only Euler buckling is considered for single angles, flexural-torsional buckling is NOT considered. Single angles will have the following message displayed on the Code Check Spreadsheet to remind the user of the axial only code check: "Code check based on z-z Axial ONLY"

Please see Single Angle Stresses for more information on the calculation of single angle stresses.

AISC Special Messages

In some instances, code checks are not performed for a particular member. A message explaining why a code check is not possible will be listed instead of the code check value. You can click the cell that contains the message and look to the status bar to view the full message. The following are the messages that may be listed: