Dynamic View Controls

When your current window is a graphical model view, you can use the mouse wheel to dynamically zoom, pan, or rotate the graphical image. 

Mouse Action

Model View Function

Roll the Wheel Forward

Zoom In

Roll the Wheel Backward

Zoom Out

Click and hold the Wheel Button

Grab the image and pan in the direction of mouse movement

Click and hold the Wheel button while pressing the Shift key

Dynamically rotate the structure in the direction of mouse movement

The following table describes how to use the mouse to perform specific tasks.


What to do

Dynamic Pan

Click and hold the mouse wheel button to trigger the Dynamic Pan feature, which allows you to pan or drag the view to the limit of the scroll bars.

Dynamic Zoom

Rotate the mouse wheel button forward to zoom in and backward to zoom out.

Dynamic Rotate

Click and hold the mouse button while holding the Shift key down, to trigger this feature. The rotational movement is based on the how you drag the mouse cursor over the screen and the projection of global axis on the screen. For rotation about X axis, drag the cursor perpendicular to the projection of the global X axis. The same logic applies for Y or Z axis rotations. When rotation is initiated, the system locks for rotation about that axis, until you release the middle mouse button.

Zoom Previous/Next

The function keys F3 and F4 are associated with Zoom Previous and Zoom Next respectively. The system holds a doubly linked list of zoom info. This list has 10 zoom-states in the list. Press the F3 or F4 key to move the active pointer forward or backward on the list.

Each window has its own zoom list.

Dynamic Distance Tool

Press the F5 function key to trigger the Dynamic Distance Tool, then pick up two points on the screen. On the status bar, the system displays the total and partial distance between the points.