
You can print graphic or tabulated information from your current model by using the Quick Access toolbar or the File menu.

The following links provide instructions on using the various print options.


The following provide more details on printing graphics and building custom reports.

Print - Quick Access Toolbar

Click on image to enlarge it

File menu

Click on image to enlarge it

Print Options

The available print options vary slightly, depending on whether a spreadsheet or a graphic (model) is active at the moment when you click the ‘Print’ icon on the Quick Access toolbar or the ‘Print’ option on the File menu.

Print Graphics

At any point, while in a 3D View or Wall Panel Editor, you can print a graphic by choosing Print Graphics from any of the Print menus. The current window changes into a ‘Print Preview’ and allows all the same view settings to be adjusted, even when in the preview. Rotating, zooming and rendering are only a few of the settings that can be altered dynamically in the preview.

Click on image to enlarge it

Many of the same options that exist in Report Printing are present in Graphic Printing, but some unique options available are Scale Factors and Title Block Info. The following table provides more information on the options that are unique to printing graphics.

Unique Options for Printing Graphics



Scale Factor

Three different Scale Factors are defined. They make for a cleaner looking graphic print. As far as what scale factors you should use, the only way to be sure is to experiment a little.

Text: This option is used to increase/descrease the size of the text items.

Symbols & Diagrams: This option is used to increase/descrease the size of symbol and diagram items.

Navigation Panels: This option is used to increase/descrease the size of navigational panel items.

Title Block Info (Header)

This option lets you include the Title Block Info(Header) to display the Model Title, Designer, Company Name, Date and Time (All of which are defined in your Project Info). You can also enter a comment that will be included in the Title Block.

Advanced Settings This option lets you to set the margins.

Sketch #

This option lets you define the starting number for the first sketch. The sketch number automatically increments with each sketch added.

Sketch Prefix

This option lets you define a specific label to use in front of the sketch number (e.g., SK-). This prefix will be used for each sketch added.

Font Size

This option

Date and Time

This options lets you choose to show/hide the date and time that the print is created. Simply slide the dot to the left to hide the date and time. By default, the date and time is shown.


This option lets you include a logo on the print and set the outside margins (top, bottom left and right.)

To Print Graphics

Print Graphics from the Quick Access Toolbar

To print graphics from the Quick Access toolbar:

  1. While in a graphic (model), click on the Print icon in the ‘Quick Access’ toolbar.

    A menu displays the print options.

    Click on image to enlarge it

  2. Click on Print Graphics.

    A ‘Print’ panel appears on the left and a Print Preview panel opens to its right.

    Click on image to enlarge it

  3. Choose the print Settings you want to use for printing the graphic.

    These settings include page orientation, whether or not you want to print a footer, the paper size and the print resolution.

  4. Choose the Scale Factor for text, symbols & diagrams and navigation panels within the graphic.

  5. Choose Title Block settings.

    Title Block settings are those that appear at the bottom of the graphic page. They represent what you want to use for a Sketch Prefix and the number to follow the prefix, the font size of all text that appears in the Title Block area and whether to include the date and time that the graphic is printed. See Print Graphics for additional information on these settings.

  6. When finished with your choices, click the Print button at the top of the Print panel.

Print Graphics from the File menu

To print graphics from the File menu:

  1. While in a spreadsheet, go to File > Print > Print Graphics.

    Click on image to enlarge it

    A ‘Print’ panel appears on the left and a Print Preview panel opens to its right.

    Click on image to enlarge it

  2. Choose the print Settings you want to use for printing the graphic.

    These settings include page orientation, whether or not you want to print a footer, the paper size and the print resolution.

  3. Choose the Scale Factor for text, symbols & diagrams and navigation panels within the graphic.

  4. Choose Title Block settings.

    Title Block settings are those that appear at the bottom of the graphic page. They represent what you want to use for a Sketch Prefix and the number to follow the prefix, the font size of all text that appears in the Title Block area and whether to include the date and time that the graphic is printed. See Print Graphics for additional information on these settings.

  5. When finished with your choices, click the Print button at the top of the Print panel.

Print Reports

Print a Report from the Quick Access Toolbar

To print a report from the Quick Access toolbar:

  1. While in a spreadsheet, click on the Print icon in the ‘Quick Access’ toolbar.

    A menu displays the print options.

    Click on image to enlarge it

  2. Click on the Print Reports option.

    A ‘Print’ panel opens on the left, and a “Report Printing” tab opens in the 3D View panel, along with a ‘Preview’ panel that displays a graphical view of the report’s pages, as you choose your Report Printing options (as shown in the following image).

    Click on image to enlarge it

  3. In the Print panel on the left, choose how you want to print your report.

  4. Move to the Report Printing tab in the 3D View panel and choose what you want to print.

    From the Report Printing tab you can choose from a set of “standard” reports or create your own “custom” report, which can also be save as a template for reuse with other models.

    • A “standard” report includes predefined report sections, and is included in the RISA-3D application. The report sections included in a standard report template are based on the report template you choose. Though, you can still use the customizing features to choose other report sections to print in the report.

      Note: While you cannot save changes to any of the report templates that come with RISA-3D, you CAN save the customized report as a “new” template, which will include your changes. Any new templates you save are modifiable.
    • A “custom” report is any report that you create using the customizing options found in the ‘Available Sections for Reports’ and ‘Current Sections in Report’ panels.

  5. Choose the report type you want to print.

    The ‘Current Sections in Report’ panel displays all the report sections currently selected for the report. You can also filter report section’s elements by their properties for any report section that displays an ellipsis button next to its name.

  6. (Optional) In the Current Sections in Report panel, click the ellipsis button next to any section that you would like to filter its elements by their properties.

    As you choose your report options, the ‘Save’ button at the top of the Report Printing panel becomes active, as shown in the following image.

  7. Click the Save button if you want to save the report as a report template.

    Click on image to enlarge it

  8. When finished with your choices, click the Print button at the top of the ‘Print’ panel.

Print a Report from the File Menu

To print a report from the File menu:

  1. While in a spreadsheet, go to File > Print > Print Reports.

    Click on image to enlarge it

    A ‘Print’ panel opens on the left, and a “Report Printing” tab opens in the 3D View panel, along with a ‘Preview’ panel that displays a graphical view of the report’s pages, as you choose your Report Printing options (as shown in the following image).

    Click on image to enlarge it

  2. In the Print panel on the left, choose how you want to print your report.

  3. Move to the Report Printing tab in the 3D View panel and choose what you want to print.

    From the Report Printing tab you can choose from a set of “standard” reports or create your own “custom” report, which can also be save as a template for reuse with other models.

    • A “standard” report includes predefined report sections, and is included in the RISA-3D application. The report sections included in a standard report template are based on the report template you choose. Though, you can still use the customizing features to choose other report sections to print in the report.

      Note: While you cannot save changes to any of the report templates that come with RISA-3D, you CAN save the customized report as a “new” template, which will include your changes. Any new templates you save are modifiable.
    • A “custom” report is any report that you create using the customizing options found in the ‘Available Sections for Reports’ and ‘Current Sections in Report’ panels.

  4. Choose the report type you want to print.

    The ‘Current Sections in Report’ panel displays all the report sections currently selected for the report. You can also filter report section’s elements by their properties for any report section that displays an ellipsis button next to its name.

  5. (Optional) In the Current Sections in Report panel, click the ellipsis button next to any section that you would like to filter its elements by their properties.

    As you choose your report options, the ‘Save’ button at the top of the Report Printing panel becomes active, as shown in the following image.

  6. Click the Save button if you want to save the report as a report template.

    Click on image to enlarge it

  7. When finished with your choices, click the Print button at the top of the ‘Print’ panel.

Print a Spreadsheet

There are two main ways to print a spreadsheet; through the Quick Access toolbar or from the File menu. Each method is described in the following sections.

Print a Spreadsheet from the Quick Access Toolbar

To print a spreadsheet from the Quick Access toolbar:

  1. While in a spreadsheet, click on the Print icon in the ‘Quick Access’ toolbar.

    A menu displays the print options.

    Click on image to enlarge it

  2. Click on Print Spreadsheet to open the ‘Print’ panel.

    The Print panel opens on the left side of the 3D View panel.

    Click on image to enlarge it

  3. In the Print panel, choose your printing options.

  4. Click the Document arrow and choose whether to print the Current Spreadsheet, Selected Lines from the current spreadsheet, or switch to Report printing options.

    • If you choose Current Spreadsheet, the whole spreadsheet is selected for printing.

    • If you choose Selected Lines, only the lines that you currently have highlighted in the spreadsheet are selected for printing. If you have not selected any lines, all lines are selected by default. If you don’t want all lines, you can simply click on only those lines you want printed.

    • If you choose Report, the Report Printing tab opens in the 3D View panel, allowing you to choose from the various report printing options. See steps 4 - 6 under Print a Report from the Quick Access Toolbar.

  5. When finished with your print choices, click the Print button at the top of the Print panel.

Print a Spreadsheet from the File Menu

To print a spreadsheet from the File menu:

  1. While in a spreadsheet, go to File > Print > Print Spreadsheet.

    Click on image to enlarge it

    The Print panel opens on the left side of the 3D View panel.

    Click on image to enlarge it

  2. In the Print panel, choose your printing options.

  3. Click the Document arrow and choose whether to print the Current Spreadsheet, Selected Lines from the current spreadsheet, or switch to Report printing options.

    • If you choose Current Spreadsheet, the whole spreadsheet is selected for printing.

    • If you choose Selected Lines, only the lines that you currently have highlighted in the spreadsheet are selected for printing. If you have not selected any lines, all lines are selected by default. If you don’t want all lines, you can simply click on only those lines you want printed.

    • If you choose Report, the Report Printing tab opens in the 3D View panel, allowing you to choose from the various report printing options. See steps 4 - 6 under Print a Report from the Quick Access Toolbar.

  4. When finished with your print choices, click the Print button at the top of the Print panel.

Print to a File

A flat file is a file without column headings, print formatting, or graphical elements and is useful for importing and parsing into spreadsheets, database tables, or as post processor input data.

There are several options available to make the flat file easier to parse. Note that printing and then looking at a sample output file with all the options selected, makes it easier to understand what the options do.

The current flat file options are saved each time the program is closed.

Print to a Flat File

The Print to a Flat File feature can be used only when printing a standard or customized report.

To print a report to a flat file:

  1. While in the report, move to the Print panel.

    Click on image to enlarge it

  2. (Optional) To make the flat file easier to parse, click the ellipsis button to the right of the ‘Write Flat File’ option (as shown in the previous image).

    A Flat File Printing Options window opens.

    Click on image to enlarge it

    1. Choose the parsing options (described in the following table) you want.

      Flat File Printing Options



      Report Section Options

      These options let you add section headers, record counters and a UNITS section to the flat file.

      Section Headers: This option adds a 'Section Header' area that prints a text description of each block of data. For example, the Node data would be preceded by a [NODE] header on it’s own line before the data. 

      Record Counters: This option adds a 'Record Count' area that is useful if you’re writing looping code to read in the number of records within each data block. The number of records prints on it’s own line.

      UNITS Section: This option adds a special 'UNITS Section' that shows the units used for all the values in the program.

      Field Delimiter

      This option lets you choose what character to use to separate each field of data in a record. For example, each coordinate value in the Node data would be separated by the character selected. Programs that you might be importing the file into, like MS Excel or MS Access, often have options to select what the field delimiter will be for records of data.

      Text Delimiter

      This option works like the field delimiter, except that it’s used to set apart text labels. All text in the flat file is enclosed at the beginning and the end by the selected text delimiter character. This is very useful when trying to read in label strings that contain embedded spaces. As an example, the Node labels in the Node data would each be enclosed by a single or double quote.

    2. Click OK to save your selections.

  3. Click on Write Flat File.

    A Write Flat File window opens in which you can select where to save the file and give it a name.

    Click on image to enlarge it

    By default, the flat file is named the same as the model file but with a .txt extension, and it is saved to the same folder in which the model resides.

  4. Click Save to save the flat file and close the Write Flat File window.

Build a Custom Report

A “custom report” relates to any report that isn’t one of the standard reports included in the application. You can customize any report, be it standard, an existing custom report that you’ve saved as a template, or a new report that you are creating. For example, if you choose a standard report, but then find that it includes more sections than you want in your report, you can customize the standard report, view and print it, and also save it as a “new” template if you’d like to use the same report for other models.

Note: While you cannot save changes to any of the report templates that come with RISA-3D, you CAN save the customized report as a “new” template, which will include your changes. Any new templates you save are modifiable.

To build your own custom report you can select any of the spreadsheets, detail reports, or miscellaneous sections found in the Available Report Sections and they will be populated in the Current Section in Report panel. You can add entire categories by selecting the heading of a dropdown section in the Spreadsheets tab. You can re-order the report by dragging and dropping the sections in your report you would like to move.You can also remove sections from your report by deselecting them similar to how they were selected, or you can drag the item our of the Current Sections in Report region.

The ellipsis button found next to applicable report sections in the Current Sections Report panel lets you filter the sections included in the report based on selected element properties. This applies to both spreadsheets and detail reports. Only those report sections that include elements having properties have the ellipsis button.

The Current Sections in Report portion of the panel shows which sections and the order the printed report will be built. The Misc. tab of the Available Report Sections contains all images that were added to the project as well as the other miscellaneous items not in the Spreadsheets for DetailReports tab. Images can be added either using the "Snapshot" option or by adding external images using the Add Misc Item button.


Click on image to enlarge it

Snapshot (Capture) Images

A snapshot image icon (shown in the following image) is on the Quick Access toolbar and the View tab of the ribbon.

Click on image to enlarge it

When this icon is clicked on a folder is automatically created in the same location where the model file is located. This icon then provides some options regarding the print location and file name. Once you define this information, click Save and the program creates the image.


This snapshot is a great way to get images of model views and detail reports that you want to add to your report. Once a snapshot is taken it will show up in the the Images section in the Advanced tab of the Report Printing dialog and can then be added to the Current Sections in Report.

Adding Images

Any additional images that you wish to add to your report that are not from RISA, can be added using the Add Item button. Press this button and navigate to any PNG, BMP, or JPEG file and you can select it. Once that happens it will then show up in the Misc Items section in the Advanced tab and can then be added to the Current Sections in Report.

Note: The complete path of these additional images are saved with the file.  If the model file is moved it will still find these additional images.

Report Print Settings

Formatting settings allow you to specify your print options. The following table provides settings descriptions.

Report Print Settings

Setting Description
Shade Lines? This setting lets you shade every other line to enhance readability.
Start__at__Page# This setting lets you select the starting page number. The number shown is the next page number in the current sequence, but you can override this for occasions where you need to insert your calculation pages into an existing report, and you need the page numbering to match.
Begin Numbering On This setting lets you start your numbering at some page other than page one. This can be useful if you have a title page or table of contents that you don’t want to number.
Print Header

This setting lets you add a header that includes the Model Title specified in the Model Settings, company, designer, job number, and a place to initial any checking. 

Note that all reports include a footer with version information, the file name and path, and the page number. 


This setting lets you to turn off the Date/Time stamp so that this will not appear on your printed reports.

Item Options

This setting lets you to select member related options. You can specify that you want the member results to be listed for each member section (specified in the Model Settings) or just for the member ends, which can be useful for connection design.

Note: See the Customizing RISA-3D topic for more information about printing, including the ability to print out a RISA or custom company logo.

Save a Report as a Template

You can save any report you have created or modified so that it can be used again in the current model or in other models. This includes any existing custom report template, and any standard template you’ve modified and saved.

Save a “Customized” Standard Report

While you can customize and print a report based on a standard report template, you cannot save your customizations to that existing template. Instead, you must save the report as a “new” template with a name that differs from the original standard report’s name.

To save a customized standard report as a “new” template:

Ensure that the report includes all the pages and information you want, from the Spreadsheets, Detail Reports and Advanced tabs (if applicable).

  1. Click the ellipsis button next to the Save button.

    Click on image to enlarge it

    The Report Template window opens.

    Click on image to enlarge it

  2. Choose Create a New Template from the Modify Report Template section.

  3. Click OK.

    A Create New Report Template window opens.

    Click on image to enlarge it

  4. Click in the Template Name box and type a name for the customized report.

  5. Click OK.

    A warning appears.

    Click on image to enlarge it

  6. Click OK.

    The customized report is saved to the Report Templates list so you can use it for future versions of this model, or other models.

Save a New, Customized Report

A “new” customized report is a report that you have built yourself and want to save as a template for future use on this model, or other models.

To save a new, customized report as a report template:

  1. Click the ellipsis button next to the Save button.

    Click on image to enlarge it

    The Report Template window opens.

    Click on image to enlarge it

  2. Choose Create a New Template from the Modify Report Template section.

  3. Click OK.

    A Create New Report Template window opens.

    Click on image to enlarge it

  4. Click in the Template Name box and type a name for the customized report.

  5. Click OK.

    A warning appears.

    Click on image to enlarge it

  6. Click OK.

    A new, empty report is saved to the Report Templates list, and it’s name is automatically selected in the ‘Report Templates’ box so you can begin to customize the report as you wish.

  7. Customize the report (see Build a Custom Report) to include those items you want saved to this new report template.

  8. Preview the pages of the report to ensure that all the information you want saved to the template, is included.

  9. Click Save.

    Click on image to enlarge it

    The new, empty customized report you created and is updated with your modifications and re-saved to the Report Templates list.

Save an Existing, Customized Report Template

You can customize an existing “Customized” report and then re-save it by simply choose the previously saved customized report template from the Report Templates list, modifying it and then re-saving it.

To re-save an existing customized report template that you have modified:

  1. Click the Report Templates arrow and choose the existing customized report template you want to modify and re-save.

  2. Modify the report (see Build a Custom Report) with the changes you want.

  3. Preview the pages of the report to ensure you’ve made all the changes you want.

  4. Click Save.

    Click on image to enlarge it

    The customized report is updated with your modifications and re-saved to the Report Templates list.