Criteria: Allowable Stresses - tab

The Allowable Stresses tab allows you to define code required allowable tension and compression concrete stress and non-prestressed and prestressed steel stress, that apply to the entire project. For some building design codes, this window also allows you to input allowable crack width, when applicable. This tab displays only if the program is opened with the prestressing module option (PT/RC) selected when launching the program. Typically, the allowable stresses for both the final condition (service) and initial condition (transfer of prestressing) are listed. For Allowable Stress settings in ADAPT-SOG please refer to the SOG Criteria: Allowable Stresses topic.

Note: Allowable stresses apply only to the PT design scope when tendons are modeled as part of a slab or beam. Therefore, the Allowable Stresses tab does not display when Edge, Floor Pro or MAT is launched with the RC only mode selected.
Note: In Edge, Floor Pro and MAT, the inputs available depend on the program, mode, modules and unit system you are using, as well as the Design Code selected in the Design Code tab. The limits and options may be different depending on the criteria selected in the upper left pane of this window.
This does not apply to ADAPT-SOG.

Edge, Floor Pro, MAT: Example of Allowable Stresses Tab Inputs
(These may change based on code you have selected, for SOG see the SOG Criteria: Allowable Stresses topic).

The default values are code prescribed but you can modify them. When viewing Design Section results, the program displays, in pink, the sections where the allowable stress values are exceeded based on the limits set in this window.

Allowable Stresses Inputs


Edge/Floor Pro/MAT Allowable Stresses Inputs

The Allowable Stresses inputs apply to the structural behavior of concrete slabs and beams that are subjected to sustained load.

Sustained load
  • Tension stresses as multiple of f'c^1/2: Allows you to define top and bottom fiber tension stresses as a multiple of f'c^1/2.

  • Compression stress as multiple of f'c: Allows you to define extreme fiber compressions stress as a multiple of f'c.

Total load

  • Tension stresses as multiple of f'c^1/2: Allows you to define top and bottom fiber tension stresses as a multiple of f'c^1/2.
  • Compression stress as multiple of f'c: Allows you to define extreme fiber compressions stress as a multiple of f'c.

Initial condition (transfer)

  • Tension stresses as multiple of f'ci^1/2: Allows you to define top and bottom fiber tension stresses as a multiple of f'ci^1/2.
  • Compression stress as multiple of f'ci: Allows you to define extreme fiber compressions stress as a multiple of f'ci.

Allowable crack width (PT mode only)

Allows you to choose whether or not to report probable crack width and/or limit probable crack width. If limiting crack width, you need to define the RC and PT member's crack width limit to be used by European code (EN1992-1-1:2004(E)).

Using European code (EN1992-1-1:2004(E)), the program adds reinforcement where the calculated width of probable cracks exceeds the limit defined by you for these options. See the Crack Width Settings section of this help menu for more information.

Note: If ADAPT-Builder was launched in RC Only mode the allowable crack width options will be located in Criteria>Design Code.