
Access the Results View Settings for deflections by clicking the Results icon in the View Settings section of the View ribbon and selecting the Deflection tab (as shown in the following image).

Click on image to enlarge it

Click on the Display Deflected Model (using Model View Settings) slider to make it turn gray, if you don’t want to display any deflected shape results.

In this tab you can specify that a deflected shape be drawn in the current model view based on either a static load combination (if a single or batch static solution has been done) or a mode shape (if a dynamic solution has been done). You can also display loads for the load combination at the same time as displaying the deflected shape. You can control the magnification of the deflections with the Scale text box and specify whether an undeflected shadow is to be shown by checking the Display shadow of undeflected model box. For batch solutions you must choose which combination you want to view at the top of the Results View Settings dialog.

Note: Time History Deflection diagrams only display joint translation. Joint rotation is not displayed.

When displaying the deflection diagram for a Time History load combination, you can select the Time Step for which to display the deflected shape. This section is grayed out if no time history load combination has been solved. Additional controls are available for the animation of Time History motion. Please refer to the Dynamics - Time History topic for more information.

To animate a particular deflected shape, first select the deflected shape (as described above) and then click the Animate Results icon on the View ribbon. See Animate Results.

For additional advice on this topic, please see the RISA Tips & Tricks webpage at Type in Search keywords: Deflected.