Graphic Display

RISAFloor's robust graphics make building and understanding your model much easier. You may have numerous independent views open and active at the same time. Fast redraw times, responsive panning, true to scale rendering, and graphic editing tools all help you build and understand your model. You may draw the model and specify loads graphically. These items may be modified graphically as well. Verification of your model is made simple with true-to-scale rendering and color coded code checks.

Multiple Windows

You may have multiple views of the model open at the same time, each with it’s own characteristics. For example you can simultaneously view and work with members in one window and plates in another. You can have multiple spreadsheets open as well.

To Open a New View or Clone an Existing View


Controlling the Model View

The two main tools to help you manipulate the views of the model are the Window Toolbar and the Model Display Options.

The Window Toolbar, discussed in this section, is the second toolbar from the top when a model view is active. You may use these buttons to rotate the model, zoom in and out, render the model, and display common items such as point labels and loads.

The Model Display Options Dialog (See Model Display Options for more information) is opened by the first toolbar button  and provides various options not otherwise available on the toolbar. It allows you to specify how to plot points, beams, slabs, and loads and the information that is to accompany them. The tabs across the top of the dialog break things up into basic elements to help you find the options.

The Snapshot tool is a great way to add images of model views and detail reports in your report printing. See Printing for more information.

Adjusting the Viewpoint

The remaining buttons on the Window Toolbar help you change the viewpoint by rotating, snapping, and zooming the view. You may use the scroll bars and the mouse wheel (if you have one) to pan the view.

To Rotate a View

To Zoom In and Out

To Pan the View

Enabling Graphic Editing

The Graphic Editing Toolbar or Drawing Toolbar may be turned on to graphically edit the model at any time and it may be turned off to provide a larger view. See Graphic Editing for more information.

To Toggle the Graphic Editing Toolbar

Saving Views

Click the  button to save and recall views. If you have a view that you like to work with or have created a view that took some time to set up, save it with this feature. All of the Model Display Options are saved with the model for later recall. See Saving and Retrieving Model Views for more information.

Cloning Views

You can clone a view. This allows you to preserve the original view and modify the clone. This is useful in achieving two views that have similarities in some way.

To Clone the Model View

Displaying Loads

Use these buttons to control the display of loads. You may display an entire load category or load combination. The first button turns the display of loads on and off in the current view. The pull down list controls which category or combination is shown in the view. Click the last button to choose between plotting load categories or load combinations. More control over the display of loads is provided in the Model Display Options Dialog discussed in the next section.

Toggle Buttons

The last buttons on the Window Toolbar are toggles that plot information in the current view.

Click  to toggle model rendering. See Model Display Options for more information on rendering.

Click   to toggle the point labels.

Click   to toggle the beam labels on and off. If rendering is on, beam labels will not be visible.

Click   to toggle the display of end releases.

Click to toggle deck assignments.

Click to toggle area load types.

Click to toggle the display of the project grid.

Click to use the distance tool.

Click to use the Area Load Query tool.

Click to toggle the display of the concrete slab reinforcement bars.

Click to toggle display of out-of-plane moment and shear.

Viewing Part of the Model

You may want to view only part of your model, especially if it is a big one. You may use the selection tools to give you the view that you want. You can graphically unselect parts of the model that you don't wish to see, or you can use a range of coordinates or other criteria to specify what to view. See Graphic Selection for more information.

Saving and Retrieving Model Views

You can save and recall views for a model. Saved views are model dependent so any views you save will stay with the model. A saved view includes information such as the current view angle, zoom state, pan location, plot option settings, etc. Saved views do NOT include the selection state for the model. You can save selection states separately. See Saving Selections for more information.

To Save the Model View

To Retrieve a Saved Model View

To Delete a Saved Model View