Vibration Analysis Using Excluders

ADAPT Floor-Pro has pioneered a method, whereby from the full 3D model of a building generated for overall design of a structure, a sub-region can be isolated for vibration analysis. Through use of the Excluder tool the program allows you to draw a boundary around specific regions of a floor slab and determine the vibration response of this area of slab. Once the excluder has been entered you can Perform a Vibration Analysis for the area outside or inside of the excluder. The image below shows a portion of a slab identified for analysis as an example.

Note: The option, “Analysis Region” is selected as “Inside the Polygon” within the property grid. This will give results for vibration and general FEM results only for the region selected. The support conditions selected for the boundary will have significant impact on the frequency of sub-region. To obtain the more reliable solution, the boundary of selected region should be extended farther away from the panel of interest, in order to minimize the impact of the boundary restraints selected.

Click image to enlarge

To Isolate an Area for Vibration Analysis Using Excluder:

  1. Go to Analysis>Meshing and click on the Exclude Meshing icon.

  2. Draw the excluder over the area you want to isolate for analysis.

    Click image to enlarge

  3. Set the Analysis Region property appropriately.

  4. Go to Analyis>Meshing and click Mesh Generation icon to create the automatic mesh. For more information on creating an automatic mesh please refer to the Generate the Automatic Mesh topic of this help menu.

  5. Go to Analysis>Vibration and click on the Settings icon to set the vibration analysis settings. Please refer to the Vibration Settings topic for more information.

  6. Go to Analysis>Analysis and click on the Execute Analysis icon to run the vibration analysis. Please refer to the Perform a Vibration Analysis topic for more information.