Design Options

Once the section types have been defined and assigned to the columns you want to evaluate, you will need to specify parameters by which columns will be evaluated. The parameters for which to evaluate columns with, can be assigned in the Design Options window. The Design Options window can be accessed through Column Design>Design Settings.

Clicking the Design Settings icon will open the Design Options window.

Click on image to enlarge.

Click the + sign below to expand a table containing the properties that can be set along with their description.

The top section of the Design Options window shows the available load combinations which can be used for the design of columns. If P-Delta combinations are selected in the list, ADAPT-Builder will design for the 2nd Order effects of P-Delta. Refer to the P-Delta section of the Perform a Column Code Check help topic for more information.

Note: The load combinations listed depend on the Force Source input of the Design Options window. If FEM is selected, only load combinations that were run in the last analysis will be available to select. If the option for Consider Slenderness Effects is set to YES only P-DELTA combinations will be available.

Load combinations can be selected (highlighted blue) or deselected (not highlighted) as desired by clicking on the combination. The user may use the control or shift keys to select multiple combinations. The solution used in the design is based on the Force Source property of the Design Options window. When FEM is used, the solution used will be the most recently executed multi-level (Global) or single-level (Level) solution. The last run solution set will be listed in the FEM Reaction Set property of the Design Options window.

Caution: When code checking columns, the use of the hyperstatic load case is not recommended due to the method used to calculate hyperstatic actions. For load combinations that include the hyperstatic load case, the program will automatically replace the hyperstatic load case with the prestressing load case in the background of the code check of columns.

Once the options have been selected, the user can click the OK button to close the window and save the settings. Alternatively, the user can click the Cancel button to close the window without saving changes. The user can then go to Column Design>Solve to Perform a Code Check of the column.