Perform a Column Code Check

ADAPT-Builder includes the ability to perform a code check of individual columns using the integrated column design engine. The user defines the properties of the columns to check through the use of a section type and assigns the section type to the columns to be evaluated. The program will then use the Section Type for each column and compare it to the loads which each column will resist. The program will return code check results deeming the column as passing code specifications (OK) or not (NG).

Code Check

A column code check can be executed from the Design Group Selection window that opens when a user clicks the Solve button to evaluate the columns. Once the code check is complete, the user can review the Code Check Results. If columns are failing or not optimized, the user can choose to Optimize Columns.The effects of P-Delta can also be included in the design of columns. Click the + sign below to expand instructions on performing a Column Code Check within ADAPT-Builder.


ADAPT-Builder can account for slenderness effects through a 2nd Order (P-Delta) Analysis. For more information on P-Delta Analysis within ADAPT-Builder please view the 2nd Order Analysis topic of this help menu.

Code Check Results

Once you have performed a column code check in the model, you can view the code check results in a variety of ways. The user can view Graphical Code Check Results through the Results View panel. Additionally, ADAPT-Builder provides a Detailed Report in XLS format containing the code check summary, column loading, detailed results and PM diagrams. The user also has the ability to view a Colorized View of Column Reinforcement.

Graphical Code Check Results

After the user has executed a column code check the user can view the graphical results through the Results View panel. The applicable results to a column code check are found in the Column>Individual Column Design Results tree as shown below. The user can check the overall column status, the V&T Utilization, NvsM Utilization, Design Loads, and/or Axial Capacity result.

Click on image to enlarge.

Click the + sign below to expand instructions on how to view graphical column code check results.

Column Code Check Detailed Report

In addition to the graphical reporting of ADAPT-Builder, the user can export the code check detail report for each code checked column. Click the + sign below to expand instructions on how to create the detailed report for a column.

Column Reinforcement - Colorize Panel

Within ADAPT-Builder the user can colorize columns based on a plethora of criteria. In the column design workflow, the colorize panel can be used to colorize the columns based on the vertical or horizontal reinforcement assigned to the column or based on the value of Rho for the column. Click the + sign below to expand instructions on to colorize columns based on the reinforcement assigned to the column.

Optimizing Columns Using RISA Column - Code Check

Once results from a code check are reviewed, it is likely the user will need to revise column reinforcement, size, materials, etc. toward a final optimized design. The user may wish to define new section types for columns which are being too severely utilized, or underutilized. Click the appropriate + sign below to expand an example of optimizing columns based on Rho or NvsM Utilization.