Type Manager

The Type Manager can be used to define and edit column section types. Section Types can also be referred to within the software and the help documentation as Design Groups. Section Types allow users to define groups of columns with the same design criteria including:

The user can Create Section Types Manually through the Type Manager dialog window and then Assign the Section Type to columns. Additionally, the user can have the program Create and/or Assign Section Types Automatically for existing columns. Section Types can also be defined upon creation of the columns when using DWG/DXF Import and Transform Column.

The Type Manager window can be accessed through Column Design>Type Manager.

Type Manager Dialog:

Click image to enlarge

With the Type Manager open and no Section Type selected or defined, the window will display Type Manager Settings for the assignment of columns. The Type Manager Settings are applied to columns only when columns are created by transforming them from a DWG/DXF file. Click the + sign below to expand a table describing each setting that can be applied within the type manager dialog window when no section type is selected.

Once created, Section Types are listed in the Library panel of the Type Manager dialog. Clicking on a section type, the user can view and edit the properties that can be assigned to the section type. Alternatively, editing of most section type properties can be done within the Column Section Type Editor.

Type Manager Dialog with Section Type Selected:

Click image to enlarge

Click the + sign below to expand a table listing the properties that can be modified within a section type along with a description of the property.

Creating and Assigning Section Types

For detailed instructions on creating and assigning Section Types for columns, click the + sign below that corresponds with the process you want to perform.