Wall Design S-Concrete

ADAPT-Builder includes interoperability with the S-Concrete wall design application providing the user with additional design code selections and non-prismatic wall shapes (thickened boundary elements). For more detailed descriptions of the underlying design tools within S-Concrete, refer to the S-Concrete documentation found within the HELP menu when opening the application separate from ADAPT-Builder.

Note: A license capable of batch processing and a copy of S-Concrete is a prerequisite to be able to use S-Concrete in conjunction with ADAPT-Builder.

To use S-Concrete as the wall design engine:

  1. Open an S-Concrete wall model and set the design parameters to use for the wall design including the design code to design by.

  2. Save the SCO file and exit S-Concrete.

  3. Go to Wall Design ribbon and click on the Wall Design Manager icon.

  4. In the Wall Design Manager click on the Design Parameters tab.

  5. Set the Design Tool input to S-Concrete.

  6. Click on the Select an SCO template file input and navigate to the SCO file you created with the design criteria you want to design with.

Once the above procedure is done you can code check or design the wall design sections and the S-Concrete engine will be used.

When using S-Concrete as the wall design engine there are differences in the options of the Wall Design Manager and viewing of Wall Design Results. Click the + sign to expand the corresponding topic below to see a list of the new settings along with a description of each. For instructions on how to use these tools refer back to the main topic for each window. Click on the link at the end of the section to go to the main topic.

Wall Design Manager

The Wall Design Manager has different options when S-Concrete is the design tool. The locations that have different options and the description of those options are shown below. Click the + sign to expand and view the different options.

Wall Design Summary Report

The Wall Design Summary report has a different format when S-Concrete is the design tool.

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