Support Line Properties

Support Line Properties can be viewed and modified in either the Support Line Properties Dialog or in the Properties Grid. While both provide most of the same property settings, the Support Line window includes the ability to setup design section options. In addition the Design Section Tab allows you to review section geometry, reinforcement, and design data for each section along the support line. Found at the end of this topic are instructions for Modifying the Support Line Properties.

The Properties Grid includes a few settings not available in the Support Line item properties window. This includes the Stirrup Legs, Middle Strip, and Width Limits. The Stirrup Legs property defines the number of stirrup legs used in the one-way shear calculation of one-way and beam designated design sections. The Middle Strip option designates a support line as a middle strip support line. The Width Limits input allow you to limit the tributary width by designating a maximum width distance or by percentage of tributary that should be allocated to the column strip. If you need to modify these, you'll need to do so in the Properties Grid panel.

Properties Grid:

Click on image to enlarge

Support Line Properties Dialog:

To open the Support Line item properties window, double click a support line, or select a support line, and choose Item Properties from either the Modify or Model ribbon, or the Quick Access Tools toolbar.

Click on image to enlarge

Support Line Properties Dialog - Menu Bar

Directly above the tabs of the Support Line window is a menu that includes a set of icons. These icons are explained in the following table.

Support Line Icons

Icon Label Description


Applies any modified data in the window to the structural component.


Opens the ADAPT Solid Modeling rendering window in which you can view a 3D render of the strip and make modifications to the strip geometry (idealized design tributary view), prior to exporting the strip to our ADAPT-PTRC software.

Note: The Rendering option is only available if PTRC is selected when you log into ADAPT-Builder.

Write PT Data

Creates an ADAPT-PTRC strip model file that you can open in ADAPT-PTRC.

Note: The Write PT Data option is only available if PTRC is selected when you log into ADAPT-Builder.

Go to Design Summary

Opens the ADAPT-BuilderSum (Summary) window in which you can view a summary of results for the selected support line.

(Section Cut)

Generates an elevation cut of the support line. The elevation image appears wherever you click in the model editor panel. If you do not click in the panel, the image does not appear. It is recommended to click in the area of the model editor panel that is away from the main model when creating these cuts for ease of viewing and deleting.

Click image to enlarge it

Click on image to enlarge

Design Sections

Generates an elevation cut for each design section along the support line. The images appear wherever you click in the model editor panel. If you do not click in the panel, the images do not appear. It is recommended to click in the area of the model editor panel that is away from the main model when creating these cuts for ease of viewing and deleting.

Click image to enlarge it

Click on image to enlarge


Display a toolbar Help window that describes the function of each of the icons.

Support Line Properties Dialog - Tabs

The Support Line item properties window has five tabs that allow you to modify specific properties of a selected support line (General, Location, Design, Display and Design Section Options), one tab that allows you to review section geometry, reinforcement, and design data for each section along the support line (Design Sections), and one tab that allows you to set some basic properties (Properties) for the display of the support line. The following sections describe the support line property settings that can be found under each tab, and their related property setting in the Properties Grid panel.

General - tab

The corresponding inputs can be found in the Indentification and General trees of the Properties Grid when a support line is selected.

The following table provides a description for each of the Support Line item properties that can be found under the General tab.

General Support Line Properties


Property Grid Tree



Identification > 
Support Line ID

The internal identification number for the selected support line item. The Support Line ID can not be modified by the user.


Identification > 

The name of the selected support line item to identify it by name in the model. The current name is displayed.

To change the name:

  1. Highlight the current name

  2. Type the new name over it.

  3. Click the Apply button. Note: This step only applicable if modifying the property within the item properties window.


Identification > 

Display the current group of the selected support line item.

To change the group:

  1. Click on the current group name.

  2. Click the down-arrow that appears.

  3. Choose the group name you want to apply.

  4. Click the Apply button. Note: This step only applicable if modifying the property within the item properties window.


General > 

Displays the direction of the of the support line item you've selected.

To change the direction:

  1. Click on the current direction value.

  2. Click the down-arrow that appears.

  3. Choose the direction you want to apply.

  4. Click the Apply button. Note: This step only applicable if modifying the property within the item properties window.

Location - tab

The corresponding inputs can be found in the General, Offsets, and Plan Coordinates (X,Y) trees of the Properties Grid when a support line is selected.

The following table provides a description for each of the Support Line item properties that can be found under the Location tab.

Location Support Line Properties


Property Grid Tree


Vertical start offset

Offsets > 

Indicates the current offset value for the Z direction at the top of the support line. Positive downward.

To change the offset value:

  1. Highlight the current value.

  2. Type the new value over it.

  3. Click the Apply button. Note: This step only applicable if modifying the property within the item properties window.

Reference plane General > 
Reference Plane

Displays the support line's current reference plane and allows you to choose a different reference plane.

To choose a different reference plane:

  1. Click on the current reference plane value.

  2. Click the down-arrow that appears.

  3. Choose the reference plane value you want.

  4. Click the Apply button. Note: This step only applicable if modifying the property within the item properties window.


Plan Coordinates (X, Y)

Displays the current X, Y coordinates of the support line at the various points.

To modify the coordinates at any of the points:

  1. Click on the row of the coordinate point you want to modify.

  2. Double-click in the X or Y box, depending on which you want to change.

  3. Type the new value over it.

  4. Click the Apply button. Note: This step only applicable if modifying the property within the item properties window.

Design - tab

The corresponding inputs can be found in the Design Criteria tree of the Properties Grid when a support line is selected.

The following table provides a description for each of the Support Line item properties that can be found under the Design tab.

Design Support Line Properties


Property Grid Tree



Design Criteria > 
Governing Criteria

The current design criteria being used for design of sections on the support line.

To change the group:

  1. Click on the Criteria down-arrow.

  2. Choose a different criteria from the list that appears.

  3. Click the Apply button. Note: This step only applicable if modifying the property within the item properties window.

Tendon Profile (button) N/A

Allows you to set the tendons span shape for each span along the support line to be used when exported to ADAPT-PTRC. Only available when the PTRC Strip Mode module has been activated at start up.

To change the profile of a tendon span:

  1. Click the Profile Tendon button.

    Click on image to enlarge it

    Click on image to enlarge it

  2. Click on the span you want to change.

  3. Click on the profile down-arrow and choose a different profile.

  4. Repeat for each span profile you want to change.

  5. Click OK.

For top rebar use Design Criteria > 
Top Rebar Placement

Lets you select if you want the calculated reinforcement generated by the program to be the Inner or Outer layer of reinforcement within the top fiber along the support line. Typically a user would choose Inner for support lines defined in one direction and Outer for support lines defined in the other direction

To change the top rebar placement option:

  1. Click on the placement option you want to select.

  2. Click the Apply button. Note: This step only applicable if modifying the property within the item properties window.

For bottom rebar use

Design Criteria > 
Bottom Rebar Placement

Lets you select if you want the calculated reinforcement generated by the program to be the Inner or Outer layer of reinforcement within the bottom fiber along the support line. Typically a user would choose Inner for support lines defined in one direction and Outer for support lines defined in the other direction

To change the bottom rebar placement:

  1. Click on the placement option you want to select.

  2. Click the Apply button. Note: This step only applicable if modifying the property within the item properties window.

Display - tab

Note: The Display tab is only available when PTRC Strip Mode is selected when you first start the ADAPT-Builder application.

The corresponding inputs can be found in the Design Settings tree of the Properties Grid when a support line is selected.

The following table provides a description for each of the Support Line item properties that can be found under the Display tab.

Display Support Line Properties


Property Grid Tree

Load region separator Strip Method Settings > 
Load Region Separator

When checked, the solid model of the design strip will show regions for load discretization for export to ADAPT-PTRC.

If you modify the current choice within the item properties window, remember to click the Apply button to apply your change to the model.
Load projection Strip Method Settings > 
Load Projection

When checked, the solid model of the design strip will show discretized loads on the frame line for export to ADAPT-PTRC.

If you modify the current choice within the item properties window, remember to click the Apply button to apply your change to the model.
Idealized tributary Strip Method Settings > 
Idealized Tributary

When checked, the solid model of design strip will show idealized tributary regions for each span for export to ADAPT-PTRC.

If you modify the current choice within the item properties window, remember to click the Apply button to apply your change to the model.
Rotate fill pattern Strip Method Settings > 
Rotate Fill Pattern

When checked, the solid model of design strip hatching fill will be rotated.

If you modify the current choice within the item properties window, remember to click the Apply button to apply your change to the model.

Design Section Options - tab

The corresponding inputs can be found in the Design Criteria, Design Strip, Design Cuts, and Design Settings trees of the Properties Grid when a support line is selected.

The following table provides a description for each of the Support Line item properties that can be found under the Design Section Options tab.

Design Section Options Support Line Properties


Property Grid Tree

Display design sections

Display Settings > 
Design Section Cuts

When checked, the design sections are shown in the graphical view.

If you modify the current choice within the item properties window, remember to click the Apply button to apply your change to the model.
Display results Display Settings > 

When checked, the design section results are shown in the graphical view for the selected support line.

If you modify the current choice within the item properties window, remember to click the Apply button to apply your change to the model.
Distance from face of Column Design Cuts > 
Distance From Column/Wall Face

Defines the distance from the face of the support where the first design section of a span of a support line is located.

To modify the current distance:

  1. Click on the current value to highlight it.

  2. Type a new value over it.

  3. Click the Apply button. Note: This step only applicable if modifying the property within the item properties window.

Max # sections per span Design Cuts >
(Number of Sections option)

When this option is selected, it defines the maximum number of sections allowed to be generated per span.

To modify the current maximum number of sections per span:

  1. Check the radio button next to the input box to activate the input.

  2. Click on the current value to highlight it.

  3. Type a new value over it.

  4. Click the Apply button. Note: This step only applicable if modifying the property within the item properties window.

Max section spacing

Design Cuts >
(Spacing option)

When this option is selected, it defines the maximum spacing used to generate design sections within the span of a support line.

To modify current maximum section spacing:

  1. Check the radio button next to the input box to activate the input.

  2. Click on the current value to highlight it.

  3. Type a new value over it.

  4. Click the Apply button. Note: This step only applicable if modifying the property within the item properties window.

Min # sections

Design Cuts >
Min Num of Sections

Only available when the Max section spacing option is selected. This property defines the minimum number of design sections to be generated within the span of a support line.

To modify the current minimum number of sections:

  1. Click on the current value to highlight it.

  2. Type a new value over it.

  3. Click the Apply button. Note: This step only applicable if modifying the property within the item properties window.

Tributary Width Limits

Design Strip >
Width Limits

This option is available only when Middle Strip is NOT checked in the Design Strip section of the Properties Grid.

There are three tributary width limits to choose from:

  • None - When selected, the tributary is taken as 1/2 the distance to the adjacent support line.

  • Max (per side) - When selected, the tributary to each side is taken as an input value.

    To change the Max (per side) number, click on the current value and type a new one over it.
  • Percent between - When selected, the tributary equals the percentage of distance to the adjacent support line on each side. If you choose this option, you may need to change the Distance Between Support Lines percentage; the default is 25%.

    To change the Distance Between Support Lines percentage, click on the current value and type a new one over it.
If you modify the current choice within the item properties window, remember to click the Apply button to apply your change to the model.

Alternatively, the percent between spans property can be more efficiently assigned to support lines using the Dynamic Editor - Limits tab.

Effective Flange Width (Beam Criteria Only)

Design Criteria > Beam Design Criteria (where applicable) > 
Max Flange Width
(Effective option)

This option applies only to "Beam" criteria. When checked, the program uses code-required effective flange width for Beam calculations. If selected, you can also determine if the program should exclude tendons and/or rebar outside of the effective flange width.

When not checked, the program uses the full length of the design section for flange width.

If you modify the current choice within the item properties window, remember to click the Apply button to apply your change to the model.

Exclude Tendons Outside Effective Flange

Design Criteria > Beam Design Criteria (where applicable) > 
Tendons Outside Effective Width

Available only when Effective Flange Width (Beam Criteria Only) is checked.

When checked, tendons outside of the effective flange are not included.

If you modify the current choice within the item properties window, remember to click the Apply button to apply your change to the model.

Rebar Outside Effective Flange

Design Criteria > Beam Design Criteria (where applicable) > 
Rebar Outside Effective Width

Available only when Effective Flange Width (Beam Criteria Only) is checked.

When checked, rebar outside of the effective flange are not included.

If you modify the current choice within the item properties window, remember to click the Apply button to apply your change to the model.

Tributary Detection Tolerance

Design Strip >
Tributary Detection Tolerance

Indicates the distance of construction lines used to create the tributary region.

Use smaller distances to get a more refined tributary.

To modify the current tributary detection tolerance:

  1. Click on the current value to highlight it.

  2. Type a new value over it (in feet).

  3. Click the Apply button. Note: This step only applicable if modifying the property within the item properties window.

Design Sections - tab

The Design Sections tab displays design section information for the sections along the support line. Since this window includes design results, it is not viewable in the Properties Grid panel. Note that some information is available prior to the design of sections. After the design of sections, the remaining data will be populated. The Design Sections tab can be accessed by double clicking a design section along the support line or through the Item Properties icon in the Modify and Model ribbon or within the Quick Access Tools when a user has a support line selected.

The following table provides a description for each of the Support Line item results that can be found under the Design Sections tab.

Design Sections Support Line Results

Property Value(s) Description

Current Design Section

Displays the ID for the design section whose information you are currently viewing. The section will be highlighted in the plan view to help identify the section on plan. With this particular setting, you can view the information for any of the design sections along the selected support line by either cycling through them using your mouse scroll button or using the down-arrow to select another design section to view information for. Both methods are described here.

Using the Mouse Scroll Button

This method allows you to quickly cycle through the various sections along the support line. To use this method:

  1. Hover your mouse over the Current Design Section value.

  2. Use your mouse scroll button to cycle forward and back through the various sections.

Using the Current Design Section Down-arrow

This method allows you to view a list of the sections along the support line and choose a different section to view the information for. To use this method:

  1. Click on the Current Design Section value down-arrow.

  2. Locate and choose the section cut you want, from the list that appears.


Provides the basic geometry for the selected support line item.

L = Length of the design section

H = Maximum section height of the design section

Beff = Effective Flange Width used in the design of the section if the Effective Flange Width option has been invoked.

For additional settings and their details, click the Details button.


Details (button)

Opens a Design Section Details window that allows you to view more details about the Design Section and Idealized Design Section geometry. In this window you can see the physical properties of the section, the idealized properties and the difference between the two.

Click image to enlarge it

Click on image to enlarge

The following table provides descriptions for each detail.

Setting Description


The length of the section


The maximum height of the section


The effective width of the section


The area of the section


The moment of inertia for the section


The distance to centroid from the top fiber


The distance to centroid from the bottom fiber

CG (X, Y)

The section CG coordinate

Start (X, Y)

The section Start coordinate

End (X, Y)

The section End coordinate


Physical section with base rebar and tendons

 Provides a graphical view of the design section with base rebar and tendons. Rebar placement is shown as blue dots while tendons are shown as red dots.

Click image to enlarge it

Click on image to enlarge

Click on the graphical view to open it in a larger Design Section Zoom window.

The zoom window displays an enlarged view of both the "Physical section with base rebar and tendons" and the "Design section (Idealized) with calculated rebar" graphical views.


Design section (Idealized) with calculated Rebar

Provides a graphical view of the Idealized Design Section and the area of reinforcement calculated by the program to meet minimum reinforcement and strength requirements of the code. Each area of rebar that is required to bring the design section up to code is indicated by a green (area of steel in top fiber) or red (area of steel in bottom fiber) dot.

Click image to enlarge

Click on image to enlarge

Click on the graphical view to open it in a larger Design Section Zoom window. The zoom window displays an enlarged view of both the "Physical section with base rebar and tendons" and the "Design section (Idealized) with calculated rebar" graphical views.

Reinforcement -

Base rebar

Shows the total area of base reinforcement considered within the design section.

As = Area of mild steel in the section

Reinforcement - Tendons

Displays the total area of prestressing steel considered in the design section.

Asp = Area of prestressing steel in the section

Reinforcement - Calculated
and (envelope)

Shows the calculated steel required in order to comply with code. Calculated reinforcement is needed only when the base rebar and tendons currently entered for the section are not sufficient to comply with the minimum reinforcement requirements or strength requirements of the code.

Note: Calculated reinforcement information is available only after a section design has been done (Floor Design > Design the Sections).

Astop = Area of steel in the top fiber

Asbot = Area of steel in the bottom fiber

When a calculated reinforcement is reported, it shows the controlling load combination in parentheses to the right of the calculated number that governs for the steel reinforcement to be present.

  • If a "Service" combination is calculated, it indicates that it is required to meet the minimum reinforcement requirements of the code.

  • If a "Strength" combination is calculated, it indicates that it is required to meet the strength requirements of the code.

  • If an "Initial" combination is calculated, it indicates that the program is adding reinforcement where initial tensile stress exceeds 2sqrt(f'c).

  • If a "Cracking Moment" combination is calculated, it indicates that reinforcement was added to minimize the cracking of the concrete, should cracking occur.

Reinforcement - Details (button)

Details (button) opens a Reinforcement Details window where you can view the location of reinforcement (mild steel and prestressing steel) with the section. This window displays the Area of steel, CGS (from the RL), Material and Type/Case reinforcement details for the rebar and tendons within the section.

Click on image to enlarge it

Click on image to enlarge

At the top of the window is the Reference Line option which allows you to select to view the details from either the top or the bottom of the design section. Click on the down-arrow to select the details you want to view.

The following table provides descriptions of the details for base rebar, tendons and calculated reinforcement (if applicable).

Setting Description
Area Shows the area of steel of the rebar or tendon.
CGS from RL

Shows the centroid location of the rebar or tendon in the section, from the reference line.

If you selected to view the details from the bottom of the design section reference line, this number indicates the distance from the bottom of the reference line, up to the rebar or tendon.

If you selected to view the details from the top of the design reference line, this number indicates the distance from the top of the reference line, down to the rebar or tendon.


Shows the type of material being used for the rebar or tendon.


Shows the type of tendon, bonded or unbonded, as well as the combination and case (if applicable) controlling the calculated reinforcement within the section.

Design summary - Criteria

Shows the criteria used to design the section.

  • If RC appears next to the criteria, it indicates "Conventional Reinforcement". This means that the section is being designed with conventional reinforcement and the equivalent code provisions for a non prestressed section.

  • If PT appears next to the criteria, it indicates "Post Tension". This means that the design section cuts a tendon and because it does so, the section has to be designed using the post tension conditions of the code.

Design summary - Moment capacity

Shows the positive and negative moment capacity for the section including concrete, tendons, base and calculated reinforcement.

Design summary - Demand (strength)

Shows the positive and negative strength demands.

Design summary - D/C ratio

Shows the demand capacity ratio of the design section. By default, the program will limit DCR to a value of 1.0 when you design the designs sections. You have the ability to modify the DCR design limit in Criteria>Analysis/Design Options tab.

Design summary - Shear capacity: PhiVc

Shows the shear capacity of the design section.

Note: The shear capacity is only reported when the support line is set to Beam or One-Way criteria.

Design summary - Vu/PhiVc ratio

Shows the Vu/PhiVc ratio found within the section.

Note: The Vu/PhiVc ratio is only reported when the support line is set to Beam or One-Way criteria.

Calculation Report (button)

Opens an Excel spreadsheet showing a summary of the design section properties, reinforcement, and moment demand and capacity. Also included in the spreadsheet is a tab showing the minimum reinforcement calculation for the design section including equations and code references.

Note: Calculations reports are currently only available for ACI 318-19 and ACI 318-14 design codes.

Properties - tab

The Properties tab allows you to set some basic display properties for the support line.

The corresponding inputs can be found in the Appearance tree of the Properties Grid when a support line is selected.

The following table provides a description for each of the support line layer properties that are available on the Properties tab.

Properties for the Support Line Layer

Property Value(s) Description

Shows the current CAD layer the support line is associated with.

To select a different layer:

  1. Click the Layer down-arrow.

  2. Choose the layer you want.

  3. Click the Apply button. Note: This step only applicable if modifying the property within the item properties window.

Alternatively, you can select the support line and use the By Layer icon in the Modify ribbon to modify the support line's layer.

Line thickness

Displays the current thickness of the support line on plan.

To change the thickness of the support line shown on plan:

  1. Double-click on the current Line thickness value to highlight it.

  2. Type a new value over it.

  3. Click the Apply button. Note: This step only applicable if modifying the property within the item properties window.

Text thickness

Displays the current thickness of the text along the support line.

To change the thickness of the text along the support line:

  1. Click on the current Text thickness value to highlight it.

  2. Type a new value over it.

  3. Click the Apply button. Note: This step only applicable if modifying the property within the item properties window.

Outline color

Shows the color currently being used for the selected support line..

To change the color of the support lines for the selected layer:

  1. Click on the current color block to open the Colors window.

    Click on the image to enlarge it

    Click the image to enlarge it

  2. Click on the color you want to use.

  3. Click OK.

  4. Click the Apply button in the Support Line window. Note: This step only applicable if modifying the property within the item properties window.


Displays the label of the currently selected support line. This property is editable only through the Support Line properties General tab.


Modifying Support Line Properties

After the entry of support lines, it is important to set the properties of the support line to achieve a correct design. This includes setting the Design Criteria property that controls the design of the support line as either one-way, two-way, or beam criteria. The properties of the one-way, two-way and beam criteria are set in the Design Criteria panel. You can set the support line settings one support line at a time or for multiple support lines using the Properties Grid. To set properties of the support line please complete the following. In addition to the below methods of modifying support line properties, you have the ability to modify some of the support line properties using the Dynamic Editor. Please see the Dynamic Editor topic for more information.

To set support line properties in the properties grid:

  1. Select one or more support lines you want to change the properties of.

    Typically, you set the support lines properties for one direction of support lines at a time.

  2. Modify the support line properties as needed for the design of the slab within the Properties Grid.

    The following image shows the inputs that can be set for support lines.

    Click image to enlarge it

    Click on image to enlarge it

  3. Once you've set the properties of the support lines appropriately for your design, you can have the program generate the tributaries and design sections for the support lines automatically (see Generate Automatic Design Sections). In addition, you can choose to manually enter tributaries and have the program generate the design sections based on the support lines and tributaries entered manually (see Enter Manual Tributaries).

To set support line properties in the support line item properties window:

  1. Double click on a support line you want to change the properties of to open the Support Line Item Properties window.

    Click on image to enlarge it

  2. Find and modify the input in the Support Line Properties Dialog tabs.

  3. Click on the icon to accept the modifications.

  4. Click on the icon to close the window.

  5. Once you've entered support lines for both directions and set their properties correctly for your design, you can have the program generate the tributaries and design sections for the support lines automatically (see the Create Design Sections topic for more information). In addition, you can choose to manually enter tributaries and have the program generate the design sections based on the support lines and tributaries you entered (see Support Line Tributaries topic for more information).