Analysis Options Window

The Analysis Options window opens by default during an analysis, or prior to analysis when prompted by you. If opened prior to analysis, the program will store the settings and open the window with those settings applied during analysis. Options included in this window are outlined in this section. After setting up the options in this window, you can run a Single-Level Analysis or a Multi-Level Analysis and then View Graphical Analysis Results.

Click image to enlarge

To Access the Analysis Options window:

The analysis options window can be broken up into two sections.

  1. General Analysis Options

  2. Options to Include Global Analysis Results (Only available in single-level mode)

Click image to enlarge

The options available in the Analysis Options window are outlined below.

General Analysis Options

These options allow you to select the load combinations and usage case to be used in the analysis. In addition, you can choose to stabilize the structure laterally and run a vibration analysis. Other options are included and defined below.

General Analysis Options

Option Description

Select load combinations for analysis

The Select Load Combinations for analysis pane will show the load combinations available for analysis. By default, the program selects all combinations, but will retain the last selection made by you for subsequent analysis operations until a new selection is made. You can use the mouse and cursor to select any number of combinations.

Click image to enlarge

Select Load Combinations

Filters selection of the load combinations within the Select Load Combinations for analysis pane, based on the your input into the text box. You can enter search words (i.e. “Service”) to select certain combinations or use the Select All and Select None options. For example, type Service in the text box and the program will select only the service combinations in the list for analysis.

Apply Stiffness Modifiers

This option includes a drop-down list of any Usage profiles which may have been defined by you. By default, the software has just one Usage case, “Uncracked”. You may define many stiffness modification profiles. Refer to the Stiffness Modifiers & Usage Cases topic of this help menu for a description on the application of these modifiers and how to define Usage Cases

Compression spring/soil support options (available in multi-level mode only)

The option Compression spring/soil support applies to Multi-Level models which are supported by modeled foundations (mats, footings, etc.) on area compression springs. The option is activated when compression springs are modeled at the base of the structure.

Note: If Tension/Compression Spring is modeled this option is not available.

Substitute compression springs with fixed supports:

In selecting this option, the program will replace the defined spring support(s) with a rigid, fixed support at each discrete spring locations. The purpose of this option is to more rapidly obtain a global solution for a structure supported by a modeled foundation system in lieu of the use of compression springs at the base of the structure which requires significantly more computational time. You can apply these reactions in a single-level analysis.

Analyze structure with compression springs:

In selecting this option, the program uses an iterative analysis procedure to obtain unique solutions for each load combination. Superposition of loads does not apply and therefore, if you wish to design the foundation level independently, load takedown is not applicable, and the design becomes dependent on the global analysis solution.

Include Vibration Analysis

This option initiates a vibration analysis. If this option is invoked, the program will report mode, frequency, and period for each level. This data can be used to perform a vibration check. Please refer to the Vibration Analysis topic of this help menu for more information.

Stabilize Slab Automatically Against in-plane translation and rotation (Available in single-level mode only)

This option is active only when analyzing a single level, in which case the option is selected by default. The default support condition for Single-level mode is a fixed-roller, allowing for translational freedom in the global X and Y directions. This condition is meant to mimic an elevated level in a multistory model and to allow for free shortening of the slab when post-tensioning is used. When the stabilization feature is used, the program automatically adds two point supports arbitrarily at the slab level in which one of the point supports is fixed in the X-direction and the other is fixed in the X and Y directions. You have the flexibility to (a) modify the support conditions, and/or (b) to deactivate the stability option.

Note: This option will only stabilize one slab region. If your model consists of two or more discontinuous slab regions, you must turn this option off and stabilize the slab for in-plane translation or rotation through another means.

Show this dialog whenever I Analyze Structure

This setting gives you the option for the Analysis Options dialog to be displayed when the Execute Analysis option is selected from the Analysis ribbon. The intent is to allow you to review settings before analysis in the event Analysis Options have changed or were not set prior to the analysis

Warn me if any load case will be ignored in analysis

This option is used to capture instances where a load case has been defined in the model, and it is included in load combinations, but no loading has been applied for that case onto the structural model. If selected, the program will activate a check to alert you if any such load cases without defined load are being included in the analysis.

If such a case exists, a window will appear as shown below when the model is analyzed.

The warning screen allows you to select one of two options:


Clicking the Yes button will continue with the analysis without a solution for the listed load case(s).


Clicking the No button stops the analysis and allows you to modify the mode such that it will include these loads in analysis.

Options to Include Global Analysis Results

These options allow you to include saved reactions (from ETABS or a native Builder global solution) in the analysis of a single-level. There are multiple options available to select and will be described in further detail below. Note these options are only available for use in a single-level analysis.

Options to Include Global Analysis Results

Option Description

Include lateral reactions

When this option is selected, the program will display all available global or imported lateral load case solutions in the Load Case/Solution/Reactions section below these options.

The program will itemize each Load Case, associated Solution source and which Reactions are included. In this example, Dead Load is reported with the solution source being Uncracked. This solution source is the global solution with use of the Uncracked default stiffness modification usage case. Note that the load case list is dependent on which load combinations are selected to be run for the single-level analysis. If the load combination selected set does not include a load case from a global solution, the list shown below would be blank. In addition, the Solution Sets available depend on the Usage Cases that have been previously analyzed for in multi-level mode.

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Include Load Takedown

When this option is selected, the program will display all available global or imported gravity load case solutions in the Load Case/Solution/Reactions section below these options.

Global load case solutions associated with this option can originate from the FEM-based solution or from the Tributary load takedown solution. In other words, this is the setting that controls the application of axial load takedown to the single-level being analyzed. In the image below, Dead and Live are reported with the solution source being Tributary. Note that the Selfweight load case is derived from the Uncracked solution. The solution option also includes Envelope. By selecting this, the program will use the Max/Min axial reactions from the FEM and Tributary solution.

Include gravity reactions (Only Available in ADAPT-MAT)

This option is only available when a model is opened in ADAPT-MAT.

The intent of the option is to include not only the axial load take-down as described in the Include Load Takedown method but to include bending effects due to gravity loading also. The solution source for this option can be an imported solution or a native ADAPT-Builder solution. When the program is active in MAT mode, you can select either Load Takedown or Include Gravity Reactions, but not both. The difference between these options is that the Load Takedown option includes only the axial reactions. The options can be independently used in conjunction with the option to Include Lateral Reactions. This option applies reactions associated with building load cases like EQ, Wind, etc.


Apply live load reduction

Apply live load reduction will be active once a reducible load case has been defined, and the load case is referenced in at least one load combination in the model. If these conditions are met, the options will activate, and you can select to include Live Load Reduction. Refer to the Live Load Reduction topic for more information.

Clicking the Edit button to the right of these settings opens the Live Load Reduction Factor dialog as shown below. You can edit the settings and then click Apply to apply the edits and analyze the model.

Assign to selected

If multiple multi-level solutions are available for a specific load case (e.g. ADAPT-Edge FEM solution or ETABS solution) to reference for a single-level analysis run, you can select load cases in the Load Case/Solution/Reactions section above this option, and from the Assign to selected pull-down list, select which solution to assign to the selected load case. This option will list Tributary, FEM and ETABS (if applicable) solution sources. If multiple sources are available, Envelope will also be available. Note that when Envelope is listed as an option in the pull-down list, the program uses the enveloped values for all load cases when applying solution reactions to the single-level analysis run.

Equilibrium Check

This option opens an equilibrium report in the system text editor for checking the equilibrium state of the model.

An example is shown below.

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Clear Reactions

The Clear Reactions button will launch the Reaction Manager window.

This option can also be launched from Analysis>Reactions>Stored Reactions. This dialogue includes options for managing saved solutions, native or imported. Solutions that have been solved natively within Builder or imported from the ADAPT-Integration Console, will be stored and solutions available for display and/or selection for a single-level analysis until the solutions are deleted using this tool.