Vibration Analysis

ADAPT-Floor Pro includes the option to determine the vibration response of a floor system with respect to consideration of full bending stiffness and reduced bending stiffness due to cracking of either slab regions or beams. The formulation used in ADAPT-Floor Pro accounts for the loss of stiffness at the individual finite element cells over the entire floor system. You can set the Vibration Settings, Perform a Vibration Analysis with or without Excluders, and View Vibration Results.

Inherent to the nature and type of slab systems designed using ADAPT-Floor Pro, the most common design carried out with the vibration module might be that associated with foot drop of walking occupants in residential and commercial buildings, however, the use of the tool is not limited to this. It is important for you to determine the proper criteria for vibration excitation and susceptibility related to the source of vibration.

The results allow you to obtain a simple and quick first estimate for a floor’s vibration response where the objective is to determine whether a floor meets the serviceability requirements for vibration. The vibration response of a concrete floor is attributed to:

Please refer to the Technical Note topic Vibration section of this help menu for further information on vibration analysis.