Perform a Two-Way (Punching) Shear Check

Prior to performing a two-way shear check you must Set Global Properties for punching shear for the entire model. Additionally, you can Set Local Properties for punching shear at individual columns and walls. This section describes the process to Perform a two-way (punching) shear Check within the program.

Set Global Properties

Global properties are those that affect the design for every column or wall within the model.

To set the global properties used in the two-way shear check:

  1. Go to the Floor Design or Criteria ribbon.

  2. Click on Shear Design.

    The program opens the Criteria window to the Shear Design tab, as shown in the following image.

    Click image to enlarge it

    Click on image to enlarge it

    Note: The available options in the Shear Design criteria window depend on the code selected for the design of the model. The options shown in the above image include all available global options in the program.
  3. Modify the global settings to match the criteria you want to use for the two-way (punching) shear check.

    For details on each of the individual global punching shear properties, please see the Criteria: Shear Design Options - tab topic.

  4. Click OK to accept your modifications.

Set Local Properties

Local properties can be found in the Properties Grid panel when selecting columns or walls. The Properties Grid includes a Punching Shear tree containing Punching Shear analysis and design parameters.

To set the local properties used in the two-way (punching) shear check:

  1. Open the Properties Grid panel, if not already opened.

  2. In the model space select one or more columns/walls that you want to change the properties for.

  3. In the properties grid, click the Punching Shear expand icon to expand the Punching Shear tree (as shown in the following image).

  4. Modify the properties to match the criteria for your design.

  5. Repeat steps 2 - 4, until all columns/walls have the correct properties set for the design.

Perform a Two-Way (Punching) Shear Check:

To perform a two-way (punching) shear check:

  1. Set the global and local punching shear properties to use in the two-way (punching) shear check.

  2. Go to the Analysis ribbon.

  3. Click on Execute Analysis, to analyze the model.

    This can be a single-level or a multi-level analysis.

    Skip this step if the analysis has already been performed prior to setting the punching shear properties and the solution is up to date.

  4. Click the Single Level icon to switch to single-level mode.

    Note: The two-way punching shear check is only available in single level mode.
  5. Go to the Floor Design ribbon.

  6. Click on Execute Shear Check, to perform the two-way (punching) shear check.

    When the check is complete, the following message appears.

  7. Click OK to save the results.

  8. You can then View Two-Way (Punching) Shear Check Results in graphical or tabular format.