Home Ribbon

Home ribbon toolbar

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The Home ribbon offers various tools for setting up your personal preferences in the application interface and for creating basic elements in your model. The following table provides a short description of each tool.






Allows you to define the units to be used for the input and output data of the model. For more information, see Units.


Allows you to enter descriptive information such as company and designer name. This information will display when printing reports and graphic output. Some information can also be saved using the ‘Set As Default’ icon. For more information, see Model Settings.


Allows you to modify settings specific to the model which is currently open.

Designate the code standard to use for the analysis, input criterion for concrete and seismic analysis and adjust parameters used in the solution, such as mesh size and processor utilization. Information can also be saved using the Set As Default button. For more information, see Model Settings.

Draw Elements


Allows you to create new beams by clicking a start and end point.

Designate general properties, such as material and shape. Then, draw the beam in your model at the desired location. For more information, see Beams.

Spread Footings

Allows you create a spread footing by clicking a single point.

Spread footing properties will be based on the spread footing definition that you assign to the footing. See the Spread Footing Definition spreadsheet to adjust material, geometry, pedestal and soil attributes of the footing.

Wall Footings

Allows you create a retaining wall or strip footing by clicking a start and end point.

Wall footing properties will be based on the wall footing definition that is assigned. See the Wall Footing Definitions spreadsheet to adjust the material, geometry and soil properties of the wall.


Allows you to create a pile by clicking a single point.

Pile properties will be based on the pile definition that you assign. See the Pile Definitions spreadsheet to adjust material, shape, length and capacities of the pile.

Pile Caps

Allows you to create a pile cap foundation by clicking on a single point.

Pile caps are based on the pile cap definition that you assign. See the Pile Cap Definitions spreadsheet to adjust material, geometry, number of piles and pedestal location.

Boundary Conditions

Allows you to define how the model is externally restrained.

The support point(s) can be completely restrained, or partially restrained, by using a Spring with a specified stiffness. For more information, see Boundary Conditions.

Soil Regions

Allows you to create a soil region by clicking a series of points.

Default soil properties will be applied to the entire model based on the default soil within the Soil Definitions spreadsheet. You can draw a soil region for an area of the model that you would like to have different soil properties other than the specified default soil definition.

Slab Elements


Allows you to create a mat slab by clicking a series of points.

Select a material and thickness to assign to the mat slab. You can then pick from the slab elements in the Home tab to add pedestals, stem walls or openings to the slab.

Circular Slab

Allows you to quickly create a circular mat slab.

Use the generator to specify a slab material, polar origin, radius and thickness to quickly generate a circular slab. There are also circular line and area load generation capabilities within the generator.


Allows you to create a pedestal or post by clicking a single point on a slab.

Pedestals or posts will transfer load directly to the slab. Pedestals will provide a code check and rebar after solution. Posts will represent an outline of the baseplate on the slab and the slab will be checked for punching shear based on the post outline.

Stem Walls

Allows you to create a stem wall by clicking a start and end point on a slab.

Stem walls are solely used to transfer load to a mat slab. No design of the stem wall will be done, but the self-weight will be accounted for.

Thickened Regions

Allows you to create a region with a different thickness on a slab by clicking a series of points within the slab.

Use this tool to change the thickness of an interior region of a slab. The modified thickness can be lesser than or greater than the already modeled slab thickness.


Allows you to create an opening within a slab by clicking a series of points within the slab perimeter.

Slab openings can be drawn in contact with one perimeter of the slab. Line loads and area loads will not be considered in the analysis of the slab if they are within the perimeter of an opening.

Design Strips

Allows you to create a design strip by clicking a series of points on a slab.

Specify the rebar orientation and design rule to be used in the flexural reinforcement design. Design strips may be defined either before or after a solution is performed.

Project Grid

Allows you to add project grids to your model file.

Project grids are utilized as a reference to draw new elements in the model. Columns and walls are attached to project grids and will move with the project grid. For more information, see Project Grid.

Draw Loads


Allows you to apply concentrated loads and moments to nodes.

Nodal loads may only be applied at node locations. If a nodal load is being added to any beam span location, a new node must be added to that location prior to applying nodal load.

Distributed Loads

Allows you to graphically draw distributed loads in your model.

Click on the start and end nodes to define the distributed load. The load can be applied in varying magnitude from start to end. For more information, see Loads - Distributed Loads.


Allows you to apply an area load to slabs.

Click on points to define the area to apply the area load. Nodes are not required at the application point.


These tools allow you to access load categories and combinations, and run a solution which will reveal errors if any, in a warning log.

Load Categories

Opens the Load Categories spreadsheet.

The Load Categories spreadsheet groups and summarizes the loads applied to the model.

Load Combinations

Opens the Load Combinations spreadsheet.

The Load Combination spreadsheet allows you to define combined load categories with factors applied for solving the model. For more information, see Loads - Load Combinations.

Warning Log

Opens the Warning Log spreadsheet if warnings are available after solution.

The Warning Log Spreadsheet provides you with a record of any warnings or errors that occurred during the solution of your model. For more information, see Warning Log.


Performs the analysis and design calculations to solve the current model file.

Solution will be of all selected load combinations that have the "Solve" checkbox checked. For more information, see Solution.

Quick Find

Quick Find performs a quick search to find specific elements in your model by label and add them to the selection state. For more information, see Quick Find.

Select by Property

Allows you to select or unselect items within the model based on specific criteria.

Selects or unselects elements based on various parameters for either nodes, beams, slabs, pedestals, spread footings, wall footings, piles, pile caps and design strips. For more information, see Graphic Selection.

Quick View

These tools can be used to change the graphical display of the model. You can use these icons to turn on beam and node labels, and view color-coded properties and results. Additional view options can be specified in the View Settings on the View ribbon.


Allows you to toggle through wireframe, color coded wireframe and a rendering of model elements.

Rendering is dependent on material type. The color coding criteria can be set in the Model View Settings.





Allows you to display elements as wireframe.

Color Coded

Allows you to display elements as wireframe and color coded based on the Model Settings.


Allows you to render elements based on material type.

For more information, see Model View Settings.

Show Node Labels

Allows you to toggle through the display of nodes and node labels.

Node labels and corresponding node locations can be seen in the Node Coordinates spreadsheet. You can also relabel all nodes from the Node Coordinates spreadsheet.

Beam Labels

Allows you to display beam labels when viewing beams in wireframe.

Label options include beam properties, such as shape and material type.

Beam Color Codes

Allows you to toggle the display of the various beam parameters using color coding options.

Display options include material, shape group and beam start and end designations.

Slab Labels

Allows you to toggle the display of slab labels.

View the slab labels as text. Other label display options include slab properties, such as material, thickness and local axes.

Slab Contours

Allows you to toggle the display of slab contours.

Use the contour legend in the top right of the 3D View to view slab forces and stresses.

Spread Footing Labels

Allows you to toggle the display of spread footing labels.

View the footing labels as text. Other label display options include footing properties, such as local axes.

Spread Forces

Allows you to toggle the color coded display of spread footing results.

Display options in color coded view, such as bearing ratio, bearing pressure, fixture and stability checks.

Wall Footing Labels

Allows you to toggle the display of wall footing labels.

View the footing labels as text. Other label display options include footing properties such as local axes.

Wall Footing Color Code

Allows you to toggle the color coded display of wall footing results.

Display options include color coded view, such as bearing ratio, bearing pressure, fixture and stability checks.

Design Strip Labels

Allows you to toggle the display of design strip labels when viewing design strips in wireframe.

Label options include design strip label and design rules.

Design Strip Forces

Allows you to toggle the display of design strip force diagrams.

Click to turn on the graphical display of the design strip out of plane moment or out of plane shear force diagrams.

Rebar Labels

Allows you to toggle the display of rebar labels within a design strip.

Click to turn on or off the rebar labels within a design strip. There are also options to set the labels at different span locations.

Soil Region Labels

Allows you to toggle the display of soil region labels.

Display options include soil region label and subgrade modulus.

Distance Measure Tool

Allows you to measure the distance between two points.

Click on two points in the model to measure the distance. The measurement result is displayed in the bottom-left of the Properties Panel.

Reset View

Clears the currently displayed options and sets the model view back to the default wireframe view.